Title: The Jump - Adam & Eve Tryfan - Eryri, Snowdonia.
Series: Idyll Range
Print: Mini Fine Art Print
Full colour UV resistant archival inks. Giclée digital print to quality paper.
Supplied: Framed in chunky glass fronted black box frames
Print Size: 100mm square
Art Created: 2022
Artist: Si Homfray
The Jump for Freedom
This illustration by Si Homfray shows a person jumping the awesome 3 metres high Adam and Eve rocks at the top of Tryfan in the Snowdonia, Eryri. Behind to the west lies the ring of some of the Glydderau, Glyders.
Jumping the 1.2 metres is a brave act as there is a seriously steep drop on the East side and potentially fatal consequences for a fail. Ideally done on a dry day. However the 'Freedom of Tryfan' yields a liberated and magnificent life to many of those who successfully brave this feat. So it is said!