Title: Retinal explosion – with one eye on the natural world
Series: Iconic Range
Print: Full colour UV resistant archival inks. Giclée digital print to quality paper.
Limited Edition* Run: 125 signed by the artist. ( *500mm large print only )
Supplied: unframed.
Small - 250mm square
Medium - 320mm square
Large - 500mm square
Created: 2019
Artist: Si Homfray
An explosion of all the colours in the known Pantone TM universe.
This work started from a drawing of a Yorkshire Sculpture Park oak tree. It is filled with the Peak District Design logo box pattern. The design comprises a full range of 820 colours, the PantoneTM palette as at 1980 something, representative of all of the things in our lives.
The colourful explosion of trees aims to convey how we see the world, learn bias and see distorted perceptions of objects. It is part of a series that explores the relationship of ourselves with things and the natural world.